Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Are you about social justice?

Been having some interesting conversations in the past few weeks on the topic of social justice. A friend asked the question the other day, are you about social justice? At first, I thought it was a bit of a silly question, because how can you not be about social justice, but once I stopped to think about, I realized the question might be a little more complex than realized.

I've heard it said that deep down everyone cares about the plight of his fellow man and would want to help if they only knew how. I think there is a lot of truth in that statement. I know among friends and peers, this is a sentiment often expressed. So, if this is the case, you are about social justice, right? I also know, sadly, from personal experience, that sometimes you gain the knowledge and one of a few things happen:

1) You are overcame with laziness. As much as you want to do something about it (whatever it may be), you just don't.
2) You are overcome by fear or overwhelmedness. I've experienced this in small doses in my life. What if what I am doing is not helping? Something that just I can do will never be enough to solve or even help this problem.
3) You lose the inspiration. Something that had moved you to action or changes is missing, you no longer feel the drive to act. This can also take in a combo of #1 and #2, or sometimes it's something completely different.

There might be additional scenarios. These are the ones that spring to mind. So, back to the question at hand. Are you about social justice? If your heart or mind is saying you need to be, that there is no other choice for you, yet your body and soul are not following, what does that mean? What does that mean for me? And, more importantly and a scarier question is, what does that mean for the afflicted, the poor, the disenfranchised?

The stakes are high. The consequences are fierce. And I'm getting to a point in my life where failure, fear, laziness, or lack of gumption is not going to cut it anymore.

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