Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Idea Camp

Irvine, CA - and really all over the world - is host to some pretty amazing things yesterday and today. A group of people have gotten together to create "a free hybrid conference for idea makers." You can check on their group on ning ( or just go straight over today and get in on the action: It is a gathering of artists, social justice leaders, musicians and really anyone interested in this idea of taking ideas and putting them into motion through God and His help.

Pretty cool stuff going over there with meebo rooms for all, live streaming video and real-time blogging and twittering. I strongly encourage you to check it out today if you have a chance.

Today in the morning session, we're going to hear from Zach Hunter ( a 15-year old modern-day abolitionist. Yes, you heard that right. Hunter has a heart for seeing people released from the bonds of modern-day slavery and has written two books about the ways he has already been working to combat it -- including collecting loose change from people and inspiring them to "Be the Change."

What are you waiting for - check it out!

Friday, February 27, 2009

International Justice Mission

Last year, we attended an annual event called The Leadership Summit. It's a chance to hear talks from all sorts of dynamite leaders in different industries and within different organizations. Gary Haugen was one of the first speakers as President and CEO of the International Justice Mission. It's a non-profit organization that seeks to provide justice world-wide in severe cases of human-rights violations - including sex trafficking and forced slavery.

His talk really spoke to people. His need, not just desire but outright need, for justice was inspiring to all of us, I think. IJM is based out of Washington DC ( and they really do tireless work around the globe. IJM and Haugen recently appeared in a fantastic 13-page spread in The New Yorker and you can keep updated on them and their work through Twitter. (@IJMHQ on Twitter). If you haven't heard of them before, I encourage you to check 'em out. Just one more group of people working toward this idea of social justice for all and not just some.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

End poverty.

Sounds straightforward, right? Or "make poverty history" is another phrase becoming a part of the common American vernacular as of late. Well, for such a complicated issue as global poverty, it is going to take a lot of hard work and determination to make it happen in our lifetimes. But I do earnestly believe it can happen.

In that vein, Sojourners -- who have already been working since the mid-90s on the problem of poverty (and beyond that in just their overall mission hearkening back to the 70s) -- is hosting a national event in DC this April called Mobilization to End Poverty We plan on being there to meet with thousands of other people who earnestly believe in this same vision -- that poverty can be removed from our world -- but with the understanding that it will take a mobilizing of a multitude of efforts from all sorts of people and institutions at all levels. Drop us a comment if you plan on being there, too. Or let us know if you want to go with us. Nothing like a road trip to bring people together, right?

Really, though, the task might seem daunting, but don't let it be -- we can do this. And we can do it TOGETHER.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Um, we took the long way back. ;)

Well, call us the prodigal blog, because we've returned. General busy-ness has kept us away, but we're back and hopefully, without such a long hiatus next time.

Thinking about the 10.10 Project this year and have some things on the plate, but as always, keeping mindful of different things that catch our interest and how they fit in with the heart and purpose of the 10.10 Project.

One such thing that caught our eye was a social justice movie that we showed a few weeks ago at the NECC offices in Norwalk: The Ordinary Radicals. It was an interesting take on a group of people striving to do "small things with great love." The documentary chronicled a group of 20 and 30-somethings as they travelled the US trying to spread this extraordinary message.

There was definitely some food for thought in this flick and led to a great discussion afterward. What's a good movie without a talk-back to follow, right? If you can get your mitts on a copy, I'd recommend giving it a watch and then letting us know what you think.