Thursday, February 26, 2009

End poverty.

Sounds straightforward, right? Or "make poverty history" is another phrase becoming a part of the common American vernacular as of late. Well, for such a complicated issue as global poverty, it is going to take a lot of hard work and determination to make it happen in our lifetimes. But I do earnestly believe it can happen.

In that vein, Sojourners -- who have already been working since the mid-90s on the problem of poverty (and beyond that in just their overall mission hearkening back to the 70s) -- is hosting a national event in DC this April called Mobilization to End Poverty We plan on being there to meet with thousands of other people who earnestly believe in this same vision -- that poverty can be removed from our world -- but with the understanding that it will take a mobilizing of a multitude of efforts from all sorts of people and institutions at all levels. Drop us a comment if you plan on being there, too. Or let us know if you want to go with us. Nothing like a road trip to bring people together, right?

Really, though, the task might seem daunting, but don't let it be -- we can do this. And we can do it TOGETHER.

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