Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Idea Camp

Irvine, CA - and really all over the world - is host to some pretty amazing things yesterday and today. A group of people have gotten together to create "a free hybrid conference for idea makers." You can check on their group on ning ( or just go straight over today and get in on the action: It is a gathering of artists, social justice leaders, musicians and really anyone interested in this idea of taking ideas and putting them into motion through God and His help.

Pretty cool stuff going over there with meebo rooms for all, live streaming video and real-time blogging and twittering. I strongly encourage you to check it out today if you have a chance.

Today in the morning session, we're going to hear from Zach Hunter ( a 15-year old modern-day abolitionist. Yes, you heard that right. Hunter has a heart for seeing people released from the bonds of modern-day slavery and has written two books about the ways he has already been working to combat it -- including collecting loose change from people and inspiring them to "Be the Change."

What are you waiting for - check it out!

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