Friday, February 27, 2009

International Justice Mission

Last year, we attended an annual event called The Leadership Summit. It's a chance to hear talks from all sorts of dynamite leaders in different industries and within different organizations. Gary Haugen was one of the first speakers as President and CEO of the International Justice Mission. It's a non-profit organization that seeks to provide justice world-wide in severe cases of human-rights violations - including sex trafficking and forced slavery.

His talk really spoke to people. His need, not just desire but outright need, for justice was inspiring to all of us, I think. IJM is based out of Washington DC ( and they really do tireless work around the globe. IJM and Haugen recently appeared in a fantastic 13-page spread in The New Yorker and you can keep updated on them and their work through Twitter. (@IJMHQ on Twitter). If you haven't heard of them before, I encourage you to check 'em out. Just one more group of people working toward this idea of social justice for all and not just some.

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