Wednesday, February 24, 2010

When it rains, it pours...when it hails, it's just cold.

Remember how just last week I was saying that the weather always seems to be on our side.  This week, we got introduced to some icy rain.

The little icy specks on the table were pelting us in the face before they landed so nicely on the table.  Add to that the wind and the cold, and we just had to laugh.  We almost thought the kids might not show up b/c it was so bitterly cold, but they all pulled through and we huddled at the breakfast table under our makeshift tent (thanks to one of my ingenious and tall (!!) partners that's there on Tuesdays)

I swear this is not an advertisement for Minute Maid, but it does show some moms and kids bearing down in February for some good old-fashioned time together before the bus comes.  

Remember my sticker hoarder/soccer extraordinaire from last week?  He took yesterday to ask me, "Does this mean that you'll come here...even when it snows?"

"Yep, we'll be here even when it snows.  As long as you're getting on the bus, you can count on us being here."

In his awesomely innocent and trusting 2nd grade voice, he replied, "I do."  

And I wasn't cold anymore b/c my heart was melting.  ;)   

Oh, and don't forget, when the bus had come, we, of course, had to walk the moms and little siblings (too young to go to public school yet) back home.   Have I mentioned I love Tuesdays?

1 comment:

Dingee Designs said...

I love Tuesday mornings! They are my favorite time because of our theme songs we sing when we're on our way and the people we see and talk to. My heart and mind are opened more and more every time we go!