Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Winter Break for everyone

Yep, it's winter break this week, which means the kiddos and their families are hopefully tucked away safe in their houses and not out waiting for a bus.  We miss them when we're not there and hope they miss us.  I think, deep down, they do, but I may just be dreaming.  ;)

One thing I will say is we have been so lucky in regard to extreme weather.  One of our main concerns in not having an indoor space and instead using the park was, duh, what do we do if it rains/snows?  Well, every single week we've been there, it has only rained once.  And it stopped raining 5 minutes before the kids showed up!  It was just generally wet, but we had  a blast.

This Tuesday, while we were all on winter break and weren't out there for one week, it snowed.  Hard.  Funny how things work like that, huh?

Since, we weren't there, I'll share a pic from a few weeks ago:

This little guy is actually someone I think about a lot.  He's shy until you get to know him and then you realize he's:

-a soccer dynamo
-a sticker hoarder
-a protector of his little brother (who he brought to meet us once). 

...among other things.  My prayer for him is always pretty much the same.  That no matter what else is going on -- and I sometimes get the feeling it's a lot for a little guy -- he knows that there are three girls...women, whatever...that love him and care about him and just think about him when he's not around.  Because we do.  We really do.

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